Monthly Archives: December 2011

God Sent a Savior

God Sent a Savior
By Max Lucado
God has given a son to us.…
His name will be Wonderful Counselor,
Powerful God … Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

Every Christmas I read this reminder that came in the mail several years ago:

If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent an educator. If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist. If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist. But since our greatest need was forgiveness, God sent us a Savior.

Christmas cards. Punctuated promises. Phrases filled with the reason we do it all anyway.

He became like us, so we could become like him.

Angels still sing and the star still beckons.

Isaiah 9:6 proclaims, “God has given a son to us. His name will be Wonderful Counselor.”

Powerful God.

Prince of Peace.

The wonder of it all is that…

He loves each one of us like there was only one of us to love.

Shopping: Bartering and Buying

It’s that time of year!?!

Christmas; the celebration of our Lord Jesus the Christ, birth!

For me, it is truly thee single most wonderful celebrated holiday on the years calendar.

However, what seems to most present is this tension amongst Christians, to-shop or not- to shop that presents itself during the Christmas season. I don’t know about your neck of the woods but near ours this topic seems to keep coming up. For some the very perception of  others criticism  towards you ‘wanting more’ even if your shopping trip is in order and your heart is right can add to ones state of emotional and mental strain.

After hearing a report on the nightly news given that the three most shoplifted items are filet mignon, whiskey, and men’s razors. Odd, right?  I know, that’s what I was thinking. First, these three items are not any I would even image would make the list and they seem to indicate, to me, that the ones who may be shoplifting are men?

As I began to give this some thought and asking the Lord to speak – I was listening.

I was lead to this below excerpt in my Bible on

Shopping: Bartering and Buying

Scripture refer to vendors in streets, squares, marketplaces and near gates where farmers, artisans, merchants, and peddlers displayed their wares (Neh 13:17-22)

Apparently, bartering was prohibited on the Sabbath. The Bible gives little information about quality of goods or regulation of trade (see Amos 8:5,6) The method of transaction was often a barter system of exchange, although there is also evidence that items were purchased by weights of gold and silver.

Among the items traded in the Bible were oil, wine, grapes, figs, fish, animals, pottery and clothing (1King4:7; Neh.13:15,16) The people of the Palestine exported grains and flour, oil and wine, cosmetics and medical products. (Gen. 43:11; Ezek. 27:17)

The Law has very few references to buying and selling, the primary rules being to have honest weights and measures and to refrain from charging interest of fellow Israelites (Lev.19:36; Duet.25:13)

Solomon was the first King of Israel who promoted international trade. He entered into a profitable joint trading venture with Hiram, king of Tyre. During Solomon’s reign, ancient trade routes were strictly controlled and merchants were taxed heavily.

The Queen of Sheba may have very well been the head of a trade delegation to establish closer relations with Israel (1King 10; 2Chr. 9:1-12) In any case, just as those who shop today, she combined curiosity (2Chr.9:1) and commercial interest  with buying power to meet her needs (2 Chr. 9:9-12)

Women obviously bought and sold goods, whether in the process of providing food and clothing for their households (Prov 31:18,24) or as a professional pursuit (Acts 16:4) Shopping required time (Prov.31:14) planning (v.21) good taste (v.22) and stewardship (v.13)

What seems to stand out and speak to me for today?

First, I must be willing, really willing to set my heart on the altar before God for He is the One who Primarily Rules and being open and honest with my both my needs and desires and allow Him by the working of the Holy Spirit to reveal the weights and measures of my heart.

Once, I have permitted His voice of truth to speak and have humbly allowed myself to be receptive and pliable on all measures. It would be most prudent in planning the process in which I will spend. Whether its providing food, clothing or other household items during the holidays or beyond.

Women of yesteryear and today know, Shopping does require:

Time – she is like the merchant ships, she brings her food from afar. (Prov.31:14)

Planning – She is not afraid of the snow for her household…..             (Prov.31:21)

Good Taste – She makes tapestry for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple (v.22)

Stewardship – she seeks wool and flax, and willingly works with her hands. (v.13)

My words of encouragement to All of you beloved women during this month;

May Grace and Peace be Multiplied to You.

To the whiskey drinking, filet mignon eatin, men’s razor users…. I think you know.